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Our Management

Managing Directors of micro resist technology GmbH

Dipl.-Chem. Gabi Grützner is the founder and managing director (CEO). Since the company was founded in 1993, she has developed micro resist technology GmbH to an internationally operating medium-sized enterprise.

Dr.-Ing. Arne Schleunitz has been the second managing director and chief technology officer (CTO) since 2016. The doctor of engineering previously worked in European technology projects for industrial micro and nano manufacturing

Dipl.-Chem. Gabi Grützner, CEO and founder

Gabi Grützner is the founder and managing director (CEO). Since the company was founded in 1993, she has developed micro resist technology GmbH into an internationally operating medium-sized enterprise. Mrs. Grützner she not only shaped the entrepreneurial orientation, but also set decisive innovation impulses for product and technology developments. She graduated in chemistry in Jena with a degree in chemistry, specializing in physical and surface chemistry, and glass chemistry. Subsequently, she worked as a research assistant in the development of optoelectronic components at the TV electronics factory in Berlin before becoming an entrepreneur herself. In this role, she is committed to both the regional economy and scientific committees.

Professional positions and committee work

2018 Member of the Innovation Dialogue between the Federal Government, business and science

2018 Appointment to the Advisory Board at the Fraunhofer Institute for Optics and Precision Engineering IOF Jena

2016 Appointment to the Advisory Board at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM Berlin

2013 Appointed to the jury for the Berlin-Brandenburg Innovation Award

2011 Conference Chair – MNE’2011

2008 Member of the Berlin Brandenburg Economic Committee

2006 Award winner “Entrepreneur of the year 2006 of the Grand Prix of medium-sized companies in Germany”

2005 Chair of the Berlin SME Advisory Board (until 2011)

2005 Member of the Advisory Board at the microelectronics factory in Germany

1993 Foundation and management of micro resist technology GmbH

1983 Development engineer in III-V semiconductors in the factory for television electronics

1983 Degree in chemistry (Dipl.-Chem). at the Technical University Jena

Dr.-Ing. Arne Schleunitz, CTO

Arne Schleunitz was appointed second managing director and chief technology officer (CTO) in 2016. He is responsible for technical sales and the global use of innovations in the company. After studying electrical engineering at the TU Berlin with a focus on microsystem technology and a research visit to the University of Maryland (USA), he did his doctorate at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on the subject of micro- and nanostructuring using nanoimprint lithography. As a post-doc at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland, he deepened his process knowledge in micro and nanofabrication before starting his engagement in the company in 2012 as head of technology management

Professional positions and committee work

2018 Board member of PolyPhotonics Berlin e.V.

2016 Technical Managing Director, micro resist technology GmbH

2012 Head of Technology Management, micro resist technology GmbH

2009 Post-Doc, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

2009 PhD at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

2004 Completion of studies in electrical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) at the Technical University of Berlin

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Element 32

Resist Alliance

micro resist technology is a single entry point for specialty chemicals used in micro and nano manufacturing in Europe. The portfolio of in-house products is complemented by the strategic sales of associated products that are manufactured by our international partners. Here we act as a high-service distributor and offer European medium-sized companies a wide range of complementary products from a single source, which can be used for both established and innovative production and manufacturing processes.

DuPont Electronic Solutions (formerly DOW Electronic Materials / Rohm and Haas Europe Trading ApS)

We offer products for semiconductor technologies, advanced packaging and dry film resists from our partner DuPont, with whom we have been working for more than 20 years.

Kayaku Advanced Materials, Inc. (formerly MicroChem Corp.)

We offer photoresists and specialty chemicals for MEMS and microelectronic applications from our partner Kayaku Advanced Materials, with whom we have been working for more than 20 years.

DJ MicroLaminates, Inc.

We offer dry film resists for MEMS, microfluidics and packaging applications from our partner DJ MicroLaminates, with whom we have been cooperating for over two years.

Dry Films

Dry films are ready-to-use polymer films as laminate foil with a high accuracy of the film thickness and excellent adhesion behaviour on various substrates. They are very simple in handling, photo-structurable and both as cut sheets and as roll material available.

  • Available in different film thicknesses
  • UV-crosslinking as negative photoresist
  • Feasibility of high aspect ratios
  • Vertical sidewalls
  • Multi lamination possible – up to 6 layer  complex multi-layer designs
  • High chemical resilience


  • Application as permanent material for optical application (e.g. lenses, wave guides …), in micro fluidics

Functional materials for inkjet-printing

Special designed functional materials from the product groups Hybrid Polymers, Photoresists, and Nanoimprint Polymers for the deposition and alternative patterning using inkjet printing process

  • Available in different viscosities (adjustable)
  • Suitable in commercial inkjet printing devices
  • Focused on high reliability of droplet generation
  • UV-curable formulations


  • Usable as a permanent material for optical application (e.g. lenses, wave guides, optical couplers, diffractive elements, …)
  • Packaging material in the micro electronic
  • Deposition / patterning on substrates with surface topography
  • Imprint material for nano-structuring with high dose accuracy

Nanoimprint Resists

Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) is a straight forward, low cost, and high throughput capable technology for the fabrication of nanometer scaled patterns. Main application fields are photonics, next generation electronics, as well as bio- and sensor applications.

micro resist technology GmbH has provided tailor-made resist formulations for nanoimprint lithography (NIL) since 1999. The unique key features of our products are outstanding film forming and imprinting performance beside excellent pattern fidelity and plasma etch stability. Besides our highly innovative material developments in close contact to industrial needs, our strength is the ability to adjust our materials in film thickness as well as addressing certain needs of the specific use cases within the formulation. Our nanoimprint resists are mostly applied as an etch mask for pattern transfer into various substrates, like Si, SiO2, Al or sapphire.

Our portfolio covers materials for the classical thermal NIL (T-NIL), in which a thermoplastic polymer is used, as well as UV-NIL, in which a liquid formulation is photo crosslinked upon photo exposure. With our technological expertise and know-how we are able to find the right material for your process and applications. Please contact us for your technical support!

Hybrid Polymers

micro resist technology offers a broad portfolio of UV-curable hybrid polymer products for micro-optical applications. Their excellent optical transparency and high thermal stability makes them perfectly suitable for the production of polymer-based optical components and waveguides. The main fields of application are micro lenses, diffractive optical elements (DOE), gratings, and single-mode or multi-mode waveguides.

OrmoComp®: DE 30 210 075 433; IR 1 091 982 ; TW 100030626; OrmoClear®: DE 30 210 075 434; IR 1 091 359 ; TW 100030628; OrmoStamp®: DE 30 210 075 435; IR 1 092 621 ; TW 100030629; OrmoPrime®: DE 30 210 075 436

Positive Photoresists

Positive Photoresists for UV lithography (mask aligner, laser, greyscale exposure) and e-beam lithography

  • Variety of viscosities for 0.1 µm – 60 µm film thickness in one spin-coating step
  • Effective for broadband, g-line, h-line or i-line exposure, laser direct writing at 350…450 nm and e-beam lithography
  • No post exposure bake
  • Easy removal
  • For pattern transfer: Etch mask, mould for electroplating, mould for UV moulding
  • Use in microsystems technology, microelectronics, micro-optics – manufacture of e.g. MEMS, LEDs, ICs, MOEMS, fiber optics telecommunications devices, flat panel displays

Negative Photoresists

Photoresists for UV (mask aligner, laser)/ DUV and e-beam lithography

  • Effective for broadband and i-line, Deep UV, e-beam exposure, or laser direct writing @ 405 nm
  • Lift-off resists with tunable pattern profile, high temperature stability up to 160 °C
  • Variety of viscosities for different film thicknesses in one spin-coating step
  • For pattern transfer: Physical vapour deposition (PVD) and single  layer lift-off, etch mask, mould for electroplating
  • For permanent applications: Polymeric waveguides
  • Use in microsystems technology, microelectronics, micro-optics  – manufacture of e.g. LEDs, ICs, MEMS, flat panel displays, fiber optics telecommunications devices