As a medium-sized company, mrt is helping to shape future technologies in the high-tech field of micro- and nanostructuring worldwide. Our more than 50 employees perform a wide range of tasks, because innovative solutions are not only developed, but also need to be implemented for the world market. Therefore, profound know-how and commitment are required as well in fields as production, logistics, marketing and sales.
CTO Arne Schleunitz cites the trusting human interaction within the company, which has been led by its founder Gabi Grützner since 1993, as one of the secrets of success for employee satisfaction. "We combine the advantages of a small company with its typical familiar structures with a business field in which we are internationally active as otherwise only large corporations are." -Our medium-sized competence on a world market.
The decisive driving force behind our employees is their focus on the future, because the technologies on which mrt work, have always provided important impetus, and camera chips, motion sensors and rapid tests for medical diagnostics, for example, were already an issue more than a decade ago. Today, the focus is on the key technologies and growth markets of tomorrow, and in addition to natural scientists and engineers, chemical laboratory technicians, electrical engineers and commercially trained employees also find exciting tasks relevant to the company in a diverse team. Arne Schleunitz sums it up this way: "We offer engaged people the rare opportunity to help shape the future face of our society in a sustainable way today already."